You should load the latest Roassal.

How do I do that? I just loaded Roassal into a fresh Pharo4.0 image
and RTTimeLine is not included.

We did some refactoring.
Instead, you should do:

data := #(#(WP1 0 5) #(WP2 5 8) #(WP3 7 10)).

b := RTTimeline new.
s := RTTimelineSet new.
s objects: data.
s lineIdentifier: #first.
s start: #second.
s end: #third.
b add: s.
b axisX 
numberOfLabels: 5;
labelRotation: -45;
labelConversion: [ :v | Date year: 2015 day: v ]. 

d := RTVerticalTickLineDecorator new.
d shape line color: Color white.
b addDecorator: d.

The class RTTimelineExample contains many examples

Let us know how it goes



Le 9 mai 2015 à 19:06, H. Hirzel <> a écrit :

Thank you for the examples, Alexandre!

I have Pharo 4.0 with Roassal 2.0 installed (AlexandreBergel.718)

I paste the following into a 'Playground' window and 'do it'.

b := RTTimeLine new.

b addEntry: (RTTimeLineEntry new identifier: #WP1; start: 0; end: 5).
b addEntry: (RTTimeLineEntry new identifier: #WP2; start: 5; end: 8).
b addEntry: (RTTimeLineEntry new identifier: #WP3; start: 7; end: 10).

b axisX numberOfLabels: 5.

I get the error message  that RTTimeLine is not known.

What am I missing?


On 5/8/15, Alexandre Bergel <> wrote:
Hi Hannes!

Here is a first shoot paired-programmed with Juraj using Roassal:

b := RTTimeLine new.

b addEntry: (RTTimeLineEntry new identifier: #WP1; start: 0; end: 5).
b addEntry: (RTTimeLineEntry new identifier: #WP2; start: 5; end: 8).
b addEntry: (RTTimeLineEntry new identifier: #WP3; start: 7; end: 10).

b axisX numberOfLabels: 5.

Here some slightly more elaborated example:

  “One color per entry"
  | b d |
  b := RTTimeLine new.
  b addEntry: (RTTimeLineEntry new identifier: #c1; start: 0; end: 5).
  b addEntry: (RTTimeLineEntry new identifier: #c1; start: 6; end: 8).

  b addEntry: (RTTimeLineEntry new identifier: #c2; start: 0; end: 5).
  b addEntry: (RTTimeLineEntry new identifier: #c2; start: 8; end: 10).

  b addEntry: (RTTimeLineEntry new identifier: #c3; start: 0; end: 10).

  b addEntry: (RTTimeLineEntry new identifier: #c4; start: 5; end: 10).

  b addEntry: (RTTimeLineEntry new identifier: #c5; start: 5; end: 8).

  d := RTVerticalTickLineDecorator new.
  d shape line color: Color white.
  b addDecorator: d.
  b axisX
      numberOfLabels: 5;
      labelRotation: -45;
      labelConversion: [ :v | Date year: 2015 day: v ].

  b shape color: (RTMultiLinearColorForIdentity new objects: b

One color per timeline

  | b |
  b := RTTimeLine new.
  b addEntry: (RTTimeLineEntry new identifier: #c1; start: 0; end: 5).
  b addEntry: (RTTimeLineEntry new identifier: #c1; start: 6; end: 8).

  b addEntry: (RTTimeLineEntry new identifier: #c2; start: 0; end: 5).
  b addEntry: (RTTimeLineEntry new identifier: #c2; start: 8; end: 10).

  b addEntry: (RTTimeLineEntry new identifier: #c3; start: 0; end: 10).

  b addEntry: (RTTimeLineEntry new identifier: #c4; start: 5; end: 10).

  b addEntry: (RTTimeLineEntry new identifier: #c5; start: 5; end: 8).

  d := RTVerticalTickLineDecorator new.
  d shape line color: Color white.
  b addDecorator: d.
  b axisX
      numberOfLabels: 5;
      labelRotation: -45;
      labelConversion: [ :v | Date year: 2015 day: v ].

  b shape color: (RTMultiLinearColorForIdentity new command:
objects: #(c1 c2 c3 c4 c5)).

Age of some classes:
  | b |
  b := RTTimeLine new.
  b extent: 500 @ 500.
  ((RTShape withAllSubclasses sortedAs: #ageInDaysRounded) select:
      do: [ :cls |
          e := RTTimeLineEntry new.
          e identifier: cls.
          e start: cls computeYoungestMethod ageInDays.
          e end: cls computeOldestMethod ageInDays.
          b addEntry: e ].

All these examples are in the Roassal time line example menu.

This is still an early version. Let us know how it goes!


Alexandre Bergel

On May 7, 2015, at 4:25 PM, H. Hirzel <> wrote:


Has somebody done a GANTT chart?

    GanttChartMorph openOn: aCollectionOfActivities


Activities have
- id
- description
- start date
- end date



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