Indeed I know that and I 'm working in an old image where things work correctly:) My question is not related to that but about how I should render the browser using seaside , if there use some tric to use. Should I render it in a div with a specific class ('glm-something') or using a specific js script ?
We know that the Seaside rendering is broken in Pharo 1.3 / Seaside. The main problem seems to be that when we get an announcement from the Glamour model in the Seaside renderer, the renderer somehow cannot find the Seaside application context.
I do not know why. Andrei said that he will try to look into this when he has time.
> _______________________________________________
On 13 Jul 2011, at 15:42, Cyrille Delaunay wrote:
> oups,
> Hello.
> I currently looking at how to render the GLMDashboard in Glamour-seaside. I already tried several things but my main problem is:
> In the 'renderOn:' method of my SGLDashboardPresenter , if I write :
> html div
> with: [
> self render: aTabulatorPresentation last on: html
> ]
> ].
> the tabulator is not well rendered (the different panes are put one over the other). Whereas if I write
> self render: aTabulatorPresentation last on: html
> I think it's ok.
> 2011/7/13 Cyrille Delaunay <>
> Hello.
> I currently looking at how to render the GLMDashboard in Glamour-seaside. I already tried several things but my main problem is:
> In the 'renderOn:' method of my SGLDashboardPresenter , if I write :
> html div
> with: [
> self render: (self firstColumnPanesFrom: self browser) last on: html
> ]
> ].
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