I am trying to create a view with a center node and " provider"  and " clients"  nodes on either side of the central one. (see attached script)

I would like the provider and client to be each arranged in a radial layout (see attached figure)

How can this be achieve with Roassal?Inline image 1

| view |
view := ROView new.
view addAll: ((sourceElements := ROElement spritesOn: (1 to: 4)) do: [:n | (n @ RODraggable) addShape: ROLabel]).
view addAll: ((targetElements := ROElement spritesOn: (6 to: 10)) do: [:n | (n @ RODraggable) addShape: ROLabel]).
view add: ((centerElement := ROElement spriteOn: 5) @ RODraggable addShape: ROLabel).
ROVerticalLineLayout on: sourceElements; on:targetElements.
sourceLayer := ROElement new addAll: sourceElements.
view addAll: (sourceElements collect: [:source | ROEdge arrowedLineFrom: source to: centerElement ]).
targetLayer := ROElement new addAll: targetElements.
view addAll: (targetElements collect: [:target | ROEdge arrowedLineFrom: centerElement to: target ]).
(ROHorizontalLineLayout new horizontalGap: 130) applyOn: {sourceLayer. centerElement. targetLayer}.
view open 
