You will need to use a GLMPager. This is the browser that implements the finder-like navigation.
A possible way to implement something like what you described is:
browser := GLMPager new
showFirst: [ :composite |
composite text
title: 'First';
act: [ :aPresentation | aPresentation selection: 'First' ]
iconName: #glamorousGo
on: $G
entitled: 'Run' ];
show: [ :composite |
composite text
title: 'Other';
act: [ :aPresentation | aPresentation selection: 'Other' ]
iconName: #glamorousGo
on: $G
entitled: 'Run' ];
browser openOn: 'text'
Or you can just reuse an inspector:
browser := GTInspector new
showFirst: [ :composite |
composite text
title: 'Script editor';
act: [ :aPresentation | aPresentation selection: 'result' ]
iconName: #glamorousGo
on: $G
entitled: 'Run' ];
browser openOn: 'initial script'
For creating a browser that refreshes automatically have a look at GLMPresentation>>#wantsSteps, GLMPresentation >>wantsAutomaticRefresh, and GLMPresentation >>stepTime.These just use the stepping mechanism from Morphic. For this to work you'll need to create your browser in a subclass of GLMCompositePresentation and override #step. GTInspector>>step is an example.
If you want to enable refresh in the inspector use GTInspector class>>enableStepRefresh. Then you need to configure your extension using #wantsAutomaticRefresh:. For the moment this will just work for #fastTable and #fastList presentations. I can tell you what you need to add to Glamour if you are using other presentations.