hi again !

2013/2/19 Ben Coman <btc@openinworld.com>

1. At http://www.moosetechnology.org/download
2. Download moose 4.7 'moose.zip' file.  Unzip this to any folder XXX and you see three files.
    a. moose.image - is the smalltalk program, including pharo & moose additions
    b. moose.changes - is like a transaction log - it records changes in method source so that if the image crashes before you save it, you can roll forward changes from the last save.
    c. moose.st - actually I don't know what this does. I've never had to do anything with it directly.
3. Follow the link through to http://www.pharo-project.org/pharo-download
    Under 'Virtual Machines' choose Cog-linux.zip - which will download nbcog-linux-latest.zip.  This is the CogVM with a few extensions named NativeBoost for calling out to C libraries.
    Drag the entire contents of the VM zip file into the same XXX folder as the image.
4. From your other Pharo installation, find the PharoV10.sources file and also drop that into the XXX folder.
5. Now on Windows I would just double-click NBCogVM.exe.  You should be able to determine what to do on Linux from looking at the Moose.sh file from the Moose-4.6-One-Click.

hope that helps smooth the way,

I'm running moose ! I'm happy I could reach this point. Your tutorial works great.

Now I'll need to grasp the basics in here. I'll be googling and navigating the moose site. Anyway, would you like to further soomth my way , feel free to :-)

thank you very much
