I am on the run and I do not have time to do it properly via the bug tracker right now, so I am just dumping here what I found after looking into this briefly.
In AbstractNautilusUI we have:
AbstractNautilusUI>>dropInAPackage: aCollection into: receiver
aCollection do:[:aClass |
self showGroups
ifTrue: [
receiver addClasses: { aClass }.
???I do not quite know when this one happens???.
ActiveHand shiftPressed
ifFalse: [
self selectedGroup removeClass: aClass.
self updateClassView ]]
ifFalse: [
receiver addClass: aClass theNonMetaClass.
aClass theNonMetaClass category: receiver name asString.
ActiveHand shiftPressed
ifTrue: [
self selectedClass: nil.
self updateClassView ]
self selectedPackage: receiver.
self selectedClass: aClass.
self updateBothView ]]]
The problem seems to be that the red lines work directly with the RPackage, but at the moment the right thing to do is still to go via setting categories and to let the SystemAnnouncer trigger the behavior in RPackage.