Thanks Andre for the quick reply.

This reminded me that we should still cleanup MooseImportingContext to use as internal model directly the meta elements instead of symbols that are afterwards translated.


On Mon, Aug 26, 2013 at 7:56 PM, Andre Hora <> wrote:
Yes, the example below does the job.
Basically you should import your model using the MooseImportingContext.
In the example below, we are loading invocation and its dependents (ie., classes, packages).
Have a look in the class MooseImportingContext.

| filter mseStream mseFileName model  |

mseFileName := '/Users/hora/Desktop/'.
mseStream := StandardFileStream readOnlyFileNamed: mseFileName.
"includes just invocation and its dependents"
filter := MooseImportingContext new importMethod.

model := MooseModel new.
model importFromMSEStream: mseStream filteredBy: filter.
model install.

On Mon, Aug 26, 2013 at 7:43 PM, Juraj Kubelka <> wrote:

I have MSE files generated by VerveineJ. Can I setup somehow what I want to import into the image? For example exclude invocations, or import just classes and methods, etc.?

Thank you,
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Andre Hora

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