
I promised to follow with suggestions for improvement in Roassal.

Currently, my main concern is about the fact that RTNest is not explicit. 

Let me explain. I want to debug things related to nesting, and for that I would like to extend the Elements tab of the view with nesting information (essentially, I would like a tree). I cannot build this easily, and this shows me that we have a model problem. This is the side-effect of building custom tools: if the tool costs too much, you might have to think again about the model (it's similar with the relationship between tests and models).

RTNest works at the Trachel level, but it should work at the Roassal level. I would prefer to have in the RTElement links to the nested elements and have the nesting not done via a loose Trachel callback but by an explicit relationship. Alex?



"Every thing has its own flow"