i tried to check the pointers to the model opening that menu. My machine start to work at 100% and after 3 hours i didn't have the list of pointers visualized yet. So i decide to kill the image. The system was surely into an infinite loop (or there were billions of links so i think that is useless know which they were). I will anyway try to let my machine work during the night just in the case that i'm wrong :) Meanwhile have you other suggestions? Thanks in advance.



On 26 Jan 2010, at 12:20, Alexandre Bergel wrote:

You can maybe check who is pointing to the model. There is a menu in the inspector.


On 26 Jan 2010, at 08:09, Fabrizio Perin wrote:

yesterday I tried to delete a moose model  from my image using the function Utilities>>Delete on the moose panel. The model disappear from the list but saving the image it has the same size. Executing "MooseModel allInstances" I saw that the model was still there. I tried to close all windows and then i execute "Smalltalk garbageCollect" and again the saved image has the same size because the model has not been removed.

I'm working on the pharo dev image 10508, Moose-Core 215 but i detect the same error in an older image: pharo dev image 10502, Moose-Core 208.



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Fabrizio Perin
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University Bern, IAM-SCG 
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