For the moment, until we integrate it in RoassalExtras, you can find it here:!/~RicardoJacas/RelationalTowersLayout/ 

2013/12/17 Tudor Girba <>
Great addition!

Where can we get it from?


On Tue, Dec 17, 2013 at 2:07 PM, Alexandre Bergel <> wrote:

A new builder for Roassal is coming… The goal of Relation tower is to easily visualize relations between group of elements. We had the inspiration from the following website!

Here are some screenshots:

If you like these screenshots, then you know where the like button is :-)

We will have this visualization on the web, thanks to our smooth and nice Pharo2Amber migration process.

Any idea on how to extend/apply Relation tower? Any set of data you want us to play with? Your data?
Feedback are very welcome!

Ricardo & Alexandre

Alexandre Bergel


"Every thing has its own flow"

lets reign all together