The parallel coordinates is indeed easy to obtain in Roassal.
maxValue := 40.
spaceBetweenLine := 50.
lineHeight := 250.
numberOfColumns := 10.
numberOfLines := 200.
values := OrderedCollection new.
numberOfLines timesRepeat: [
t := OrderedCollection new.
numberOfColumns timesRepeat: [ t add: maxValue atRandom ].
values add: t.
v := RTView new.
setOfElements := OrderedCollection new.
1 to: numberOfColumns do: [ :i |
t := OrderedCollection new.
values do: [ :setOfValues |
e := (RTEllipse new color: (Color red alpha: 0.3)) element.
t add: e.
e translateTo:
(i * (spaceBetweenLine - 1)) @
((setOfValues at: i) * lineHeight / maxValue) asFloat.
v add: e.
setOfElements add: t.
2 to: numberOfColumns do: [ :column |
t := OrderedCollection new.
values doWithIndex: [ :setOfValues :index |
line := (RTLine new color: (Color red alpha: 0.2))
edgeFrom: ((setOfElements at: (column - 1)) at: index) to: ((setOfElements at: column) at: index).
v add: line.
Best would be to define a new builder to allow for easy configuration. It would be easy to add colors