If the maintainer are either on pharo-users or moose mailing list they are de facto notified of the evolution of the project.
I have no idea if these enhancements are applicable to PP2 and I do not have the time to check that.
I maintain PP1 because I have a project relying on it.
But of course, if PP2 project wants to profit from some of the changes made on PP1, anyone can feel free to integrate them.
It’s MIT anyway.
Julien Delplanque
Doctorant à l’Université de Lille
Bâtiment B 40, Avenue Halley 59650 Villeneuve d'Ascq
Numéro de téléphone: +333 59 35 86 40
Julien wrote
This email to announce that a new minor release of PetitParser (1) has
been published on GitHub (v2.1.0).
Are any of these enhancements applicable to PP2? If so, have the maintainers
been notified?
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