Hi all,
i did implement an SQL parser using Petit Parser. I toke the grammar specification from SQLite http://www.sqlite.org/lang.html . The grammar implemented is not complete, for now i did implement "just" the create table statement, it means that you should be able to parse at least a script for create the database.

The code is in squeaksource http://www.squeaksource.com/@09zbthA-fDDfyUNQ/_OIex3aA .

To download it you can evaluate this:

Gofer new
	squeaksource: 'PetitSQLParser';					
	package: 'ConfigurationOfPetitSQLParser';				
(Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfPetitSQLParser) perform: #loadDefault
in the repository there are several packages: the core contains the parser for the grammar. 

In the package parser there is a parser that instantiate some draft objects representing relational elements.

In the next future i will start to implement also other statements. 

If you start to use it and you have some problem please let me know.

