On May 4, 2011, at 11:20 , Simon Denier wrote:
> Looks bad in my opinion. Why is there some dependency between MSE import and smalldude/eyesee tests?
> On 4 mai 2011, at 09:14, Laval Jannik wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I changed the behavior of FAMIXMethod>>parentPackage.
>> In fact, when a method is in the same package than its class, its parentPackage should be nil.
>> So, to not break the behavior, I changed the accessor like this:
>> ===
>> parentPackage
>> ^ parentPackage ifNil:[ self belongsTo parentPackage]
>> ===
>> But this breaks during importation of MSE files (it breaks some tests of smalldude and eyesee).
>> The problem is due to the class that is not already defined during the importation.
>> So I changed the source code like that. I am not convince of the efficiency of this code.
>> Have you another idea ?
>> ===
>> parentPackage
>> ^ parentPackage ifNil:[
>> |cl|
>> cl := self belongsTo.
>> cl isNil
>> ifTrue:[nil]
>> ifFalse:[cl parentPackage]
>> ]
>> ===
>> ---
>> Jannik Laval
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