Hi,I had a look and Glamour hardcodes in a few places the color white :)GLMMorphicTextRenderer>>textMorphForModel:GLMMorphicSmalltalkCodeRenderer>>textMorphForModel:
GLMMorphicListingRenderer>>treeMorphFor:and:If you comment the line setting the color in the three methods above most of the moose related tools would work with the dark theme.I do not have time right now, but I can have a look later to set the color through the theme.Cheers,Andrei
_______________________________________________On Fri, May 2, 2014 at 10:45 AM, Yuriy Tymchuk <yuriy.tymchuk@me.com> wrote:Hi everyone,now there is a dark theme for Pharo that I was waiting for a long time. Is it hard to make Moose-related tools be compatible with it? First thing that I noticed is GTInspector background:<2014-05-02 at 10.40.57.png>CheersUko
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